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Tag Archives: Assisted living community

Assisted Living vs. Independent Living

Over 800,000 people reside in assisted living facilities in the United States, a statistic that highlights the critical role they play for seniors in modern society. Yet when they investigate such housing options, seniors’ loved ones struggle to differentiate between assisted living from independent living. Each comes with distinct costs, medical support, family involvement, and […]

How to Deal with a Loved One’s Cognitive Decline

Watching a loved one struggle with cognitive decline can be heartbreaking. Yet with patience and understanding from everyone involved, families and their elders can navigate these challenges together. From identifying the warning signs to addressing their evolving needs, you can learn how best to support your elderly family member as they go through cognitive decline. […]

How to Exercise While Dealing with Chronic Conditions

Living with a chronic condition presents numerous challenges for anyone who wishes to remain physically active and fit, particularly seniors. Yet all-inclusive elder care centers offer an avenue—including medical advisement and recovery time—for residents with chronic conditions to maintain an active lifestyle. Additionally, these facilities provide specialized programs tailored to each individual’s needs and goals […]

5 Tips for Reducing Seniors’ Loneliness

Among the greatest challenges to successful senior care services is maintaining patients’ emotional and mental health. This revelation can shock the families of seniors who enjoyed vibrant careers and personal relationships during their active years. Nevertheless, it makes sense when one considers seniors’ lifestyle changes: their children and other family get busy with careers, their […]

National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month

Treatment costs for Alzheimer’s disease are projected to reach $1 trillion by 2050. This disease accounts for 60-80% of dementia cases worldwide, affecting over 5 million Americans. As National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month, now is a time to reflect and seek out opportunities to educate ourselves further and advocate for those who cannot. Get familiarized […]

Why An Assisted Living Community Will Keep Your Loved One Safe

September 22nd marks Falls Prevention Awareness Day. Slip & falls are the leading cause of injury-related emergency department visits. It’s a public health issue and one that many must take seriously, especially seniors who live alone. For the safest senior housing facility, consider staff availability, caregiver experience, resident privacy, emergency preparedness, individualized care, and overall […]

How to Choose an Assisted Living Community for Your Parents

Although assisted living communities should provide a home for their senior residents, some patients experience harm at the hands of caregivers, a tragedy observed on World Elder Abuse Day. Families concerned by such incidents can help avoid them by seeking and visiting a high-quality senior care home, where they can ask about the staff, accommodations, […]

Palliative vs. Hospice Care

When a senior is stricken with a terminal illness, their loved ones face a difficult challenge: determining the proper care to relieve their elder’s burdens. Palliative and hospice care each serve unique purposes, and deciding between them depends on the end goal of your loved one’s treatment. Whichever you choose, seek a reliable elder care […]

4 Ways to Keep Your Elders Active

No matter how old an individual may be, one form of exercise cannot provide all the benefits that multiple forms combined can. The same goes for seniors: they should incorporate several kinds of activities into their lifestyle, especially if they live in an assisted living community. Specifically, they should experiment with exercises that cater to […]

How Aging Adults Can Connect with Loved Ones

In light of Join Hands Day—which is dedicated to bringing people together no matter their age—we reflect on the means through which elders can connect with loved ones. Indeed, those living in an assisted living community will want to maintain connections with family and friends as much as possible. If your senior lives in such […]