
What are the Four Levels of Hospice Care?

by February 2, 2020

Hospice care, or “comfort care”, is a program that focuses on your loved one’s comfort and health as they enjoy the quality of life for the remainder of the time they have. At Tysons Woods Assisted Living, our hospice support services in Vienna, VA, are personalized to your loved one’s needs and preferences. Our caregivers provide the highest level of  treatment, care, and support. 

Below are the four levels of hospice care that you or your loved one can choose from:

General Inpatient Care 

If your loved one’s symptoms are too severe to take care of at home, you need to talk to them and how they may need to consider being admitted into an inpatient facility. Here, your loved one receives around-the-clock care. This includes administering medications, emotional support, and more. 

Sustained Home Care 

When higher levels of care are needed within a 24 hour period, then you are at the sustained (continuous) care level. Similar to inpatient care, your loved one is continually monitored in their own home for brief periods of time. This is done to respect their wishes, while also providing the care they need. 

Regular Home Care 

With regular home care, your loved one is checked up on periodically. Your at-home nurse makes sure that your elder’s up to date on their medications, they are comfortable, and they are attending required sessions like physical therapy. 

Respite Care

Respite care services are more for the patient’s family than it is for the elder. If your loved one does not meet the requirement for continuous or inpatient care, respite care should be considered. Your loved one is temporarily admitted into an inpatient facility to give the family a respite, if they so choose. 

Tysons Woods: Quality Hospice Support Services in Vienna, VA

Tysons Woods is able to accommodate for any level of hospice. In our care, your loved one is guaranteed a rewarding quality of life in their remaining time. With our dependable hospice support services, end of life care, and more, your loved one will be well taken care of. Helping residents feel right at home is our mission, so if you would like to learn more about our community, connect with us today! Contact us at (703) 846-0395 for more information.