Tag Archives: memory care

Personal Senior Care: What Is It and What Does It Entail?

July 19, 2023

When your senior frequently relies on family and friends for assistance, it might signal the need to explore support options. And though understanding the nature of personal senior care can appear complicated, it need not be. Within assisted living facilities, skilled caregivers help your elderly family member regain the ability to accomplish the activities they […]

National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month

November 28, 2022

Treatment costs for Alzheimer’s disease are projected to reach $1 trillion by 2050. This disease accounts for 60-80% of dementia cases worldwide, affecting over 5 million Americans. As National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month, now is a time to reflect and seek out opportunities to educate ourselves further and advocate for those who cannot. Get familiarized […]

4 Benefits of Memory Care

March 7, 2021

Memory care services at quality assisted living facilities can provide several benefits for your senior loved one. Specifically, these services give dementia and Alzheimer’s patients the specialized care and attention that their condition requires. Memory care also keeps your loved one in a consistent routine. This ensures that they remain active and healthy so their […]

How Dementia Affects Your Loved One

December 7, 2020

Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia are grievous conditions that disturb how a patient functions and thinks. Due to a number of debilitating changes these diseases have on the brain may not make it easier to assist one who suffers from such a condition. Nevertheless, you may find that this knowledge provides you a better […]

Memory Care for Elders with Alzheimer’s or Dementia

November 9, 2020

Watching your loved one age can be difficult, especially if they are experiencing memory issues. As your loved ones age, their memory changes as well. Memory loss can be an incredible daily challenge if additional support is not readily available. At Tysons Woods Assisted Living, our memory care service team treats your loved ones like […]